четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

FED: Senate to today overturn NT native title regime

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Senate to today overturn NT native title regime

The Senate is almost certain to today sink the Northern Territory's native title scheme,
amid warnings the same fate may await upcoming regimes in Western Australia and Queensland.

Australian Democrats native title spokesman JOHN WOODLEY has confirmed his party will join
Labor and the Greens to disallow the NT regime.

The parties are concerned further changes could be made to the NT's regime without any
ongoing monitoring role by federal parliament.

The federal Wik legislation, passed with the support of independents BRIAN HARRADINE and
MAL COLSTON, allowed the states and territories to establish their own schemes for deciding
native title.

But those schemes can be overturned in the Senate.

Senator WOODLEY's told ABC radio upcoming schemes from WA and Queensland could suffer a
similar fate.

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