* THE Stratford Toll Exchange is planning a Reunion Dinner onSaturday, February 14, 1998, for all ex-staff. For further detailscontact Les Wilson (06) 753-2074 or Pauline Ngati (06) 757-9187.
* A VALEDICTORY reunion to mark the closure of Stratford Hospitalis planned for March 14-15 next year, and the organising committeeiswanting contact details of ex-staff in order to compile a completelist.
The main emphasis of the weekend will be on celebration andthanksgiving for all that has been achieved over the 91-year historyof the hospital, which in its heyday boasted 56 beds, over 500deliveries, and over 1000 operations a year.If any readers worked at the hospital, or know of the currentwhereabouts of ex-staff members, we would like them to contact thehospital and leave name and address with the reception staff.KEITH CAREY-SMITH(for organising committee)StratfordREADERS with Internet access are invited to submit letters to theeditor by e-mail. The same restrictions on content will apply asthose for ordinary mail. Letters should be no longer than 250 wordsand must be signed legibly. Only letters carrying a correspondent'ssurname, along with initials or first name, will be published. Nomsde plume will not be accepted unless the editor decides the letterisclearly in the public interest. The editor reserves the right toedit, abridge or decline letters without explanation. They mustcarry full addresses and a telephone number. PO Box numbers are notacceptable. They should be sent to either: The Editor, The DailyNews, PO Box 444, New Plymouth; or, for those with Internet access,to: Editor@dailynews.co.nz
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